
Monday, May 12, 2014

Print Crazy

We finally got a new printer. Naturally it has to be tested so that we know if we need to send it back and get a new one. Whatever shall I do? Answer: print picture collages.

I made 2 custom designs for my tumbler, printed some stuff for my daughter, created some labels for my boys. Trying not to go crazy and paper the house with prints.  I love the picture quality!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Back to Working Out

So I finally did it. I finally stopped giving myself excuses and started working out again. I am thankful that Curves is near enough now. I really hate having to go far though even as it is, I still have to drive over there and park which I would have preferred to avoid (additional ouches to the pocket ).

Discovered I am not as bad off as I thought. My weight was lower than I expected. My BMI still came out in the normal range though higher than I would like. Let's not talk about the measurements since those would make any woman cry. Seriously not rushing but looking forward to the results being an improved me.

If you look in this gym, you'll see a bunch of workout machines in a circle separated by square workout boards. They look easy, and they are easy if I was more fit. After half a circuit I knew my face was very red, I was very tired and the only thing that kept me going was the fact that my workout buddy was my daughter and I really didn't want to look like a total wimp. The best part was the cool down.

I found that I am still very flexible but my strength and stamina is nowhere near what I hoped. I have a long way to go but at least I have started.

Things to love about going to Curves:

  • It's a gym for women only - I love that!
  • the only mirrors are in the dressing room
  • The setup is friendly - working out in a circle rather than what it is in most gyms is great!
  • Mostly machines - you still get a workout but not using only your own strength
  • The workout is only 30 minutes + cool down
  • You always have a trainer every workout without any additional fees to pay

Things I dislike about going to Curves:
  • It's in the mall which means I have to pay for parking each time and the gas.
  • The circuit is a total of only 30 minutes so I feel like a rabbit jumping in and out of the stations
    • I wish I could get more comfy in the machine before I have to jump to the next but I guess that's the point.
  • No hair dryer. You have to bring your own - but I can live with that.
For those thinking of checking it out, 
Phone numbers: 5849841 09177377835 09212093322. 
They are open from 7am to 9pm but they close midday (way too hot to workout) to do some cleaning. 
You can come in for an assessment - that means no workout. Best to call ahead and set an appointment.
If you decide to start working out here, there is a one time service fee (their version f a lifetime membership fee which is reasonable) and a monthly fee.