
Friday, May 24, 2013

Cup of Tea

I woke up and found that an important tool I use for work had stopped functioning. BUMMER! Just when I had 4 items on a deadline, I couldn't work. It's also one of those times were free online tools or software just wouldn't do.

So there I sat...sweating...praying that my boss would understand and allow the deadlines to get pushed back. I suddenly found myself in my kitchen making a pot of tea. Perhaps it was the need to do something-anything-with my hands other than fidget. Perhaps it was the lure of my first ever tea set. Of course it could simply be a need for a soothing cup of jasmine tea.

Tea is considered medicinal by some or just another source of caffeine by others. Some countries, such as Japan, even have tea ceremonies or rituals. Of course, tea isn't worshiped - that would just be silly. But tea is definitely a companion when chatting with friends - an alternative to coffee and definitely a healthier one than soda or liquor. There are so many kinds and brands of tea, it can be bewildering.

I learned to drink tea at home. My father would bring out this tin of black tea or Jasmine Tea or gold tea. Out would come one of the beautiful tea sets of my mom and we would get to drink tea. I felt very grown up drinking from the delicate porcelain cup. Tea brings many fond memories of home. Perhaps this is why I am so happy to have my own tea set, at last, and sharing that love of  tea with my kids.

Tea is best when hot to savor my tea.

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