
Sunday, June 23, 2013


I finally made time to check out nail-a-holics in Gateway Tower. The receptionist immediately advised me of their 10% discount as soon as I walked in. That was nice! She offered different services to help me choose though I had already said I just wanted a basic mani-pedi. Never hurts to listen since how else would you find out if there's something new to try, right? At the end though, I still settled for the basics.

The attendant, Sheila, led me to a comfy arm chair in the inner left hand section and offered tea or juice. (Naturally, I went for tea). There was only one other customer in that area so it was pretty quiet except for the background sound of sea / surf / beach inspired spa-like music. She quickly got to work on my toes. She had very gentle hands-I barely felt my feet being worked on.

Another girl worked on my hands. I found it a bit strange that she didn't know how to shape my nails into an oval cut. I finally re-cut and shaped them myself and she did the rest of the cleaning and painting. She was very nice though. She allowed me to test out the different colors since I couldn't decide on the color since almost everything appealed.

I was there for almost 2 hours. They didn't do my hands and feet at the same time and they redid my hands twice due to polish errors. But the result was good. I have pretty and happy hands and feet.

The cost of the service is pretty standard for having nails done in the mall. They charge extra if you choose an imported brand of nail polish. Interestingly, they are more expensive than my regular home service. That was a surprise to me. Would I go back to nail-a-holics? Yes but more as a once in a while treat than my regular service. I'll stick to my awesome home service.

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