
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Big ouch!

I leaned over the edge of my bed to pet my puppy and scared him half to death as I fell, almost on top of him. He hurriedly scampered away and hid under one of the cabinets. Sadly he is now afraid to stay beside the bed  since I bet he fears I might squash him.

As for me, I landed badly and have a huge bruise up my right side and I jarred my old injury. Back to the it hurts to sit, hurts to stand, hurts to do anything mode. The good part, since I work from home, I have the joy of not having to move around much. The bad part, I do have to move some and even little movements hurt (back affected).

I can hear my dad now - that's a sign you need to lose weight. Sigh...I hear you dad.

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