
Friday, March 20, 2015

Hacked, Cracked, Whacked!

Sometime ago my website and my twitter account got hacked. I couldn't figure out why my account became so interesting to these spanish speaking people nor why I suddenly had strange posts. I ended up having to change my password and having to tell everyone it wasn't me posting all those things. I also lost a lot of my posts; which unfortunately, I cannot recreate.

Today, I was doing some research online and stumbled upon my username and an old password. Holy #$%@! Really?!  Did I become a celebrity when I wasn't looking? LOL!

It's seriously freaky! I've seen a number of TV episodes where identity theft happens and now we have shows like CSI Cyber to show us more of the criminal uses of the net. Never thought anyone would want to hack any of my accounts or website though.

When I asked a friend good at computers, he answered he once hacked something just because he could. Perhaps that is how all hackers think? They do it just because they can. So sad for the victims.

Time to change all my passwords...again!

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Travel: Tagaytay

It has been a couple of years since I've been to Tagaytay and it's a place I definitely wanted my kids to have a memorable experience, especially since we don't often go out of town. I asked for suggestions from friends who have been there recently, one of whom pointed me in the direction of  the blog of Anton Diaz, Our Awesome Planet, which was truly useful.

After going through the guides provided and reading a bunch of articles, I opted to bring my family to Cliffhouse Inn for lunch. We used Waze to get us there - which sadly didn't go to the correct place; first time Waze has failed me. Thankfully, locals are friendly and we weren't too far off from the place.

Once we arrived at the Cliffhouse Inn, my family went straight for the viewing deck,  It was wide and not crowded at all. Lots of chairs had thoughtfully been provided so that visitors could really enjoy the view of the lake within a lake within a volcano.  Though the rocking chairs were meant (most likely) for senior citizens, all of us enjoyed sitting in them. Those who chose to eat at Fire Grill or Buon Giorno could stay at tables overlooking Taal.

The sun wasn't high yet when we arrived so most of my attempts to capture the beauty of taal ended up misty looking. The weather was cool and really refreshing. Truly glad to have gotten away from the heat of the city.

 The Cliffhouse Inn actually had 6 restaurants for us to choose from. We opted to go for Platito where the portions are not served on saucers, in spite of the name. Foodwise, nothing fantastic but the servers were great.

We then finished off our meal by having some dessert at Fruits in Cream, which was conveniently right beside Platito. PISTACHIO!!!

When we were kids, we used to go horseback riding so we went to check out Residence Inn but decided against it. The stench was just too much. he kids weren't interested to even go in.

We passed Sky Ranch on our way to Residence Inn and the kids decided they wanted to go, so that became the next stop. I actually wanted to go in but my LP wasn't in the mood. I opted to stay at Uncle Cheffy's with the grown-ups (sob!) while the kids got to have fun  inside. I did notice the 2 huge LOVE structures set against the far wall from the entrance. Instant smile on my face as those made me think of Skip Beat. While it is no amazing amusement park (compared to say Disneyland), the kids had a blast and that's what matters.

Pasalubong is a must for us Filipinos so last stop was Lou Mar's where we got some buko  pies and caramel tarts. Something I loved at this shop was that the attendants were very quick to respond. I thought there was a long line.  Turned out it was a single group. most of whom were still browsing. With the help of the attendant, we were done shopping in less than 15 minutes.

I wish we had time to go to Ilog Maria and Antonio's but due to schedule conflicts, I had to leave that for our next Tagaytay trip. I'm looking forward to it!

Friday, March 13, 2015

Old Articles Found

I was doing some research and wondered if any of my old articles were anywhere to be found. They say once on the net, always on the net so I got curious. Could some of my old work still be online?

A quick  google search turned up a links to my existing blogs (yey!). A number of links to pointed to forums and reposts, most of which I didn't participate in but somehow got linked to (still good). There were  a number of similar usernames though not mine. A handful were domain hosting sites.  Then I found the link to the Newspaper Blog with articles I wrote in 2006.

Posts by Ginny:
Brings back memories of my early days as a blogger as well as the feeling of, "I wrote that?" Hunting for more of my old articles and waiting to see if I'll find any treasure while I'm at it.