
Friday, March 13, 2015

Old Articles Found

I was doing some research and wondered if any of my old articles were anywhere to be found. They say once on the net, always on the net so I got curious. Could some of my old work still be online?

A quick  google search turned up a links to my existing blogs (yey!). A number of links to pointed to forums and reposts, most of which I didn't participate in but somehow got linked to (still good). There were  a number of similar usernames though not mine. A handful were domain hosting sites.  Then I found the link to the Newspaper Blog with articles I wrote in 2006.

Posts by Ginny:
Brings back memories of my early days as a blogger as well as the feeling of, "I wrote that?" Hunting for more of my old articles and waiting to see if I'll find any treasure while I'm at it.

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