
Saturday, July 25, 2015

A Student Once Again

I am so excited. I am back in UP D (though not in the building of my bachelor course). Thanks to my LP stumbling upon an ad, I get to take language classes and learn to speak Nihongo (japanese language) at an extremely reasonable price. I mean, it's a full third of everywhere else I inquired. That is a steal!

Price aside, this will not necessarily be a walk in the park. I know I'll get back what I put in so getting my brain into learnng mode, eat the right food for brain stimulus and yes, get enough sleep. Being late to or sleepy in class are absolute no's since this is only a short course.

Seriously, I know this will require effort. After all, I have to start from scratch. I seem to have a good teacher (he has a sense of humor which is always good), who will hopefully have lots of patience with me. He allows me to take pics and videos during class (but I can't share those, sorry). I am glad he understands that I need to play the lessons over and over.

I was surprised to see no one else in class was using a phone, tablet or laptop. We all had notebooks but I was expecting at least 1 or 2 techies in the room. Personally, I use the vids for review but I still prefer to rely on my handwritten notes. The advantage of the images and vids is really more for capturing audio and when my hand cramps from gripping the pencil so tight (yes, I am spoiled from using a keyboard rather than writing).

I am also thankful for the learning apps available for tablets. Who knew learning 5 characters a day could drive one insane? (LOL). I feel like I'm back to being a pre-schooler, doing handwriting lessons and flash cards. The good part, my kids get to see me review and hopefully it also helps them learn how to study better. Now if I can just memorize these kana...

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