
Saturday, July 18, 2015

Movie Review: Ant-Man

Marvel's latest film release is one that many will enjoy ( I know I did! ) and is an interesting character because he isn't a good guy (by text book definition).

Scott Lang was a burglar (with good intentions), got caught, went to jail and did his time and is finally being released. Typical problem of anyone who has a criminal reord, finding a new job is near impossible. In desperation, he agrees to steal whatever is in a mysterious safe heard about through the grapevine (watch the passing of info to him is hilarious every time). Only thing is, the job isn't what it seems and for the rest, you have to watch the film because I do not want to give spoilers and ruin someone's experience.

I like the character named Hope, daughter of Dr. Pym. She is feisty, strong and beautifully portrayed. Love the way she throws a punch! She is a passionate person but the control she has over  herself is amazing. Many people would have had tantrums and outburts, some would have been ballistic but her emotional moments are beautifully crafted and moving. Great timing!

If you haven't watched it yet, go and watch! The whole family really enjoyed the film.

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