
Monday, January 14, 2013

The New Coliseum

A friend shared a video that he said was funny. I was curious so I watched it; and while a part of me found some of the reactions funny, I couldn't be helped but be thankful it wasn't me in the vid being shared. Maybe I'm just really different but I found little funny in watching some guy drop some papers that looked important because he slipped or got stuck on some stuff left on the path. 

Why is it funny that someone was tricked? Why is it funny that someone was embarrassed? What was funny about the damage to the personal property of the people tricked? How is it funny that this trick made people late for somewhere they were going to? Would it still be funny if it was you who got stuck or slipped or got wet or whatever else they did?

Since the people in these videos did not volunteer, does this not feel wrong to you? I can't believe people actually pay to watch pranks played on unsuspecting people and think that what they see is okay. Shades of the coliseum but no blood; at least not yet? By the way, you don't you dare get angry because that means you aren't a sport or lacking a sense of humor. But is it a lack of humor or a lack of compassion? Lose a few drops of your humanity for a few laughs at someone else's expense?

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Which is faster: Bus or MRT?

I had to go to my old office and work on some stuff. I figured it would be faster to get there if I took the MRT rather than a bus since it was rush hour. Boy, was I wrong!

A bus takes an hour from where I was to where I wanted to go with the usual traffic. Add the necessary walk from where the bus drops off passengers, I would get to my final destination in about an hour and a half.

The walk to the MRT took 7 minutes. Waiting in line to get a ticket to board the train took a total of 30 minutes. Another 30 minutes waiting in line for the station to allow passenger entry - due to the sheer number of people already on the platforms, no additional passengers were allowed in until the area de-congested. The wait to get on the train was another 10 minutes but that wasn't so bad since I was at the front and I was sure I would be getting on the next train. The 15 minute rip passed in a blur. Getting out of the station was done in about 5 minutes and the walk to my final destination in less than 10. Total time: almost an hour and 45 minutes.

What actually made the experience a more frustrating one was the heat and having this girl in front of me who  kept leaving the line. She did ask politely if it would be okay if I held her place but she actually didn't wait for an answer. She did it twice. By the third time, I quietly told her that if she leaves, she'd better line up again at the end of the queue.

Lessons I learned:

  • Leave much earlier. Allot more time to avoid delays caused by unexpected occurrences
  • Rush hour means traffic, even for the MRT. Avoid travelling during these hours if at all possible.
  • Always have a stored value card. It means having to queue for 1 less line so you get there faster.
  • Avoid wearing high heels while travelling - standing room on a moving vehicle are hell on the feet!
  • If there are people around who are annoying, don't let them get to you. It is not their fault no one taught them what they should have known.

I think I will go hunt up my copy of Don't Sweat The Small Stuff

New Home

It's been a while since I wrote online. I can't remember the last time I really posted. Thanks to my personal site getting hacked, my posts are gone (sob!) and in some ways good riddance!

It's 2013 already and it's time for a fresh start! No more looking back and no time for drama. It's past time to look forward and get moving because time isn't waiting for anyone. Not rushing but it's definitely not time to dwell or wallow on the things that went wrong.

As always, this is my online home so what I post will be personal opinions and will be about stuff that I like or dislike. Anyone is free to disagree but please do it on your own site - this place is mine. No bickering, debating, quarreling, arguing or any other synonyms please.

That said, welcome to my new home! Hope you keep reading.