
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

New Home

It's been a while since I wrote online. I can't remember the last time I really posted. Thanks to my personal site getting hacked, my posts are gone (sob!) and in some ways good riddance!

It's 2013 already and it's time for a fresh start! No more looking back and no time for drama. It's past time to look forward and get moving because time isn't waiting for anyone. Not rushing but it's definitely not time to dwell or wallow on the things that went wrong.

As always, this is my online home so what I post will be personal opinions and will be about stuff that I like or dislike. Anyone is free to disagree but please do it on your own site - this place is mine. No bickering, debating, quarreling, arguing or any other synonyms please.

That said, welcome to my new home! Hope you keep reading.

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