
Monday, January 14, 2013

The New Coliseum

A friend shared a video that he said was funny. I was curious so I watched it; and while a part of me found some of the reactions funny, I couldn't be helped but be thankful it wasn't me in the vid being shared. Maybe I'm just really different but I found little funny in watching some guy drop some papers that looked important because he slipped or got stuck on some stuff left on the path. 

Why is it funny that someone was tricked? Why is it funny that someone was embarrassed? What was funny about the damage to the personal property of the people tricked? How is it funny that this trick made people late for somewhere they were going to? Would it still be funny if it was you who got stuck or slipped or got wet or whatever else they did?

Since the people in these videos did not volunteer, does this not feel wrong to you? I can't believe people actually pay to watch pranks played on unsuspecting people and think that what they see is okay. Shades of the coliseum but no blood; at least not yet? By the way, you don't you dare get angry because that means you aren't a sport or lacking a sense of humor. But is it a lack of humor or a lack of compassion? Lose a few drops of your humanity for a few laughs at someone else's expense?

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