
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Which is faster: Bus or MRT?

I had to go to my old office and work on some stuff. I figured it would be faster to get there if I took the MRT rather than a bus since it was rush hour. Boy, was I wrong!

A bus takes an hour from where I was to where I wanted to go with the usual traffic. Add the necessary walk from where the bus drops off passengers, I would get to my final destination in about an hour and a half.

The walk to the MRT took 7 minutes. Waiting in line to get a ticket to board the train took a total of 30 minutes. Another 30 minutes waiting in line for the station to allow passenger entry - due to the sheer number of people already on the platforms, no additional passengers were allowed in until the area de-congested. The wait to get on the train was another 10 minutes but that wasn't so bad since I was at the front and I was sure I would be getting on the next train. The 15 minute rip passed in a blur. Getting out of the station was done in about 5 minutes and the walk to my final destination in less than 10. Total time: almost an hour and 45 minutes.

What actually made the experience a more frustrating one was the heat and having this girl in front of me who  kept leaving the line. She did ask politely if it would be okay if I held her place but she actually didn't wait for an answer. She did it twice. By the third time, I quietly told her that if she leaves, she'd better line up again at the end of the queue.

Lessons I learned:

  • Leave much earlier. Allot more time to avoid delays caused by unexpected occurrences
  • Rush hour means traffic, even for the MRT. Avoid travelling during these hours if at all possible.
  • Always have a stored value card. It means having to queue for 1 less line so you get there faster.
  • Avoid wearing high heels while travelling - standing room on a moving vehicle are hell on the feet!
  • If there are people around who are annoying, don't let them get to you. It is not their fault no one taught them what they should have known.

I think I will go hunt up my copy of Don't Sweat The Small Stuff

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