
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Silly Polls

I just got a funny request. Perhaps some of you will not agree with my humor or opinion so feel free to agree to disagree :)

Someone I know sent me a message and a link. It said please vote for this person. She's the girlfriend of my son. Out of curiosity, I clicked the link and saw that apparently said girl was in a pageant to be school beauty queen. She looked like your typical college student. I'd never met her and was honestly not moved to click the like button. Perhaps it was also because I did not go to that school and  have no opinion as to what their rep should look like.

It isn't the first time I've received such a request and I'm sure most people would click like just to get along or as they say locally, "makisama ka na lang". Perhaps it is just me, but even for such a silly thing, I didn't think I should. It just didn't feel right. It did make me think though and that is what I am writing about.

First, why create a poll that is open to the entire public? Is this not supposed to be a school activity? If so, then should it not be the school population, teachers, staff and perhaps alumni who should vote? The rest of us should just be viewers of the parade since we don't/didn't go to that school.

Second, If you will create a poll, shouldn't all the candidates have their pictures posted on a single site? This gives at least the illusion of fair play. People could then indeed choose based on everyone's posted image as to who most appeals instead of clicking because your family, friends and relatives, including your boyfriend's mother begged everyone they know to help you win. Hmmm....that actually sounds like the way elections are won in our political arena - by popularity :(

I can hear it now. "It's just a silly poll. Just click the button and forget it". I wonder how often they do that in their lives? Just do it to get along. Do it to keep the peace. Do it to stay friends. Do it to stay liked. Do it as a favor to me. Do it or else...or else what? It feels like just another example of how we let our choices be dictated by other people or our fears of the possible negative consequence as dictated by our need to belong or be loved. Yet another manipulation.

Is it really just a silly poll? 

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