
Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Fare Thee Well

I had a strange (for me) dream last night. I dreamt of my uncle who recently passed away, standing in sunlight, looking as I remember him from when I was a child. He appeared to be talking to a group of people then he turns to us (I can't assume I was the only one he was looking at) and says, "O lalakad na ko. Masaya na ulit." (OK, I'm going. Things are happy again). Then I woke up.

Now you'll tell me that it doesn't seem like a strange scene but for me it is. Here's why:

  1. I am no medium. I am a child of two scientists who taught me to be logical. I will never say that ghosts, fairies, magic, and things of endless wonder do not exist (keeping an open and hopeful mind, especially toward magic). I know however that I have never had a gift to speak to the dead. I'm quite happy to keep it that way.
  2. I was never very close to this particular uncle. While some of his children are my favorite cousins and friends for life, he was never one I really got to know. I never spent much time with him and truly didn't know him as well as I could have. So it makes no sense that he would come see me rather than his own kids.
  3. I have never sat down with him or had a conversation with him that felt like that scene. That tells me it was not a memory.
  4. I usually don't remember what I dream about except for snippets of one or two really nice ones.
Curious as to whether it might be a true dream, I called my dad and described my dream to him. I asked him if it sounded like something my uncle (dad's brother) would say or do. He told me no, it isn't. A part of me felt relieved since ghosts are not high on my list of things I want to experience. A part of me felt sad that it wasn't because I would have liked to be able to give this message to his family (if it was true) and hope it provides comfort.

Perhaps this dream is nothing more than wishful thinking. Maybe it is nothing more than a hope that my uncle is happy and healthy on the other side. It could be truly nothing more than a dream. Whatever it is, I feel compelled to write this and I hope that it gives comfort.

RIP, Uncle Rene.

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