
Thursday, April 30, 2015

Listening to the Universe Whisper

From Oprah's Master Class
I once heard it said that the universe (or God, if that's your belief) speaks to us to try to keep us safe from harm and steer us towards our best life. If something isn't right for us, it is steered away from us though often we don't understand why and we struggle to get it or keep it within our grasp. I've learned that when things keep going wrong, no matter how hard you are trying, it's time to accept that it isn't for you.

I'm a work from home person. I prefer to be one. The freedom that comes from working online rather than in an office setting is one I truly enjoy. Being a freelancer allows me to choose my schedule and give myself holidays and breaks. The pay is also not lessened by having to pay so many people to make something happen such as with many corporations since the only employee involved with my client is me.

I heard from my niece about this company whose line of work seemed to be right up my alley. So I thought it over then I applied for one of their jobs. And now this is where the fun began.

First step needed was to take an exam which makes sense. They need to guage certain skills as a baseline. The test had 4 parts. You pass the first test, you proceed to the second, and so on. I ACED the first test but strangely, rather than get screen for the second test, I get a screen that said I alrady failed it. What?! I didn't even get to see it!

So I figured, hmm, maybe it's a glitch. I followed the process for reporting an error. They emailed me that the problem was resolved and I could proceed but when I accessed the site, It would be a complete retake. What?! That doesn't seem fair. Hay! At that point annoyance was building but, ok, maybe their system has to work that way. Passed the test. Yehey! Time to do a demo test.

So I got myself scheduled for the test, read the materials provided and had my system up and running. Everything looks ok. Now the instruction materials stated that they'd be calling 30 minutes before but I still had 60 minutes to the start of my appointment when a call from them came in from the prospective client to test the setup. OMG! I shouldn't have opened the line so early. There went my study time!

Now I had checked the setup requirements before I had gone to bed last night. Everything seemed to be A-OK before I stepped out to run errands. However, the tester tells me he can't hear me clearly and we confirm that my headset's mic is not working. In spite of all attempts to get the mic functioning properly, it doesn't and I'm forced to reschedule for another day. It's alright but a little frustrating.

Why in the world were so many things going wrong? I don't know. I figured the problem was my headset or the laptop. Simple test to confirm would be to use another headset. So I used my phone's earphones and it works perfectly so it does not appear to be the laptop. As a confirmation, I plugged in the headset that had a problem and lo and behold, it is working perfectly! What the hey?!?!?!

All this makes me think this isn't a good client for me. They appear to be a good company but I think I'd better listen before the whispers and quiet knocking become a scream and a brick, as Oprah said.

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